Apparently there are thousands of external causes of stress. Some are reported to be positive and others are negative.
Negative stresses are calculated as percentages of difficulty managing different situations - relative to - the death
of a spouse. So the death of a spouse has a value of (100%). We get divorced (73%). Have a serious illness (53%) Lose a job
(47%) Change occupation (36%) Argue with a spouse (35%) and so on.
Positive stresses are calculated upon falling in love and getting married. Which is calculated as only (50%) Reconcile
after a separation (45%) Retire (45%) Have a baby (39%) Buy a house (31%) Get promoted (29%) Have an unusual success (28%)
Graduate (26%) Make new friends (18%) Take a vacation (13%) etc.
The more of these major life changing situations during the last 2 years the greater the chances of physical and/or emotional
illness (Holmes & Rahe, 1967)
Other researchers have found that having just one close, confiding relationship protects us from many of these stresses.
However, I would love to know the positive stress value of a bloody good cuddle.