Whatever goal we set ourselves in life = make it visual. This is common advice and makes sense if your goal is
a new car, a home, a vacation etc. But it is very difficult to see how this method can be employed when our goal is to change
the way we see ourselves. Having said that, it apparently works well for people who wish to lose weight. But to bring about
fundamental behavioural, or emotional change I can’t imagine.
However, motivational researchers have tossed us a life-line. They point out that people who put down in writing
what they wish to achieve, are generally far more successful than those who do not.
It appears that putting something into writing gives it form. In a sense, makes it far more personal, attainable
and real. This is very much on the same lines that making a written list keeps us more focused, or better organized. It appears
to be far more effective than simply having a vague mental resolve. Ideally, what we need to do is write a contract with ourselves.
Apparently this really can work.
State in the contract exactly what your intention is and what you will do when you have completed the task. In
other words, how you will reward yourself once this contract has been fulfilled.
These ‘contracts’ are most effective when we read them every morning and evening, this keeps the resolve
fresh in our minds.
WARNING: These contracts can be revised and rewritten so try not to fall into the trap of diluting them to the
point that they no longer have any motivational value.