I appreciate that it is stating the patently bleeding obvious, but serious
scientific research is producing an ever-growing mountain of evidence that laughter is indeed good for us. It is even recognised
to provide some protection against heart attacks.
Laughter reduces
the stress hormones adrenalin, noradrenalin and Cortisol. Whilst – at the same time – increasing ENDORPHINS and
ENCEPHALONS which naturally make us high. It should also be noted that autopsy findings regularly show extremely low levels
of SEROTONIN in the brains of successful suicides. SEROTONIN is the brain’s happy chemical.
Laughter also
serves to help muscle relaxation. Strengthens the body’s immunity to colds and infections. Aids respiration and simply
‘cheers us up’.
In addition to the physiological benefits, most of
us know that laughter is good for body, mind and spirit. It is an excellent ice-breaker in stressful situations. Even anticipating
watching, listening to or reading something funny can increase immunity raising hormones in the blood and the benefits can
last all day.